Monday, March 28, 2011

Steroid Your Business - The Power of Synergy

The best in the business today, how many illusions about their businesses grow faster exist. There multilevel their "get rich quick" scheme to bring all people. There are business philosophy of "hiring someone with a pulse." And also 'the 20 people interviewed before you choose 1 "before you realize that you need someone to Karen for this Friday late shift which requested the last minute because his mother an elective cosmetic surgery Getting to fill in the plan. While all these methods and their properties for some of these methods have generated some excellent results, I believe that synergy "magical" harnessing the power works best is.

Today's business world people are not looking for a job. People are not looking for a career. People to pursue their passion are looking for ways to get paid. For employers to motivate his sales quota Charlie have grown tired of trying to kill. Charlie Company is tired of hearing about the quota. Charlie do not share the vision of the company's growth and that does not benefit the company is successful. Charlie is looking for a way to do with a business partner that shares your beliefs and passion. Charlie is a company that loves music, loves the way he is working for the music. Charlie is a company that is passionate about the environment like he is looking for. Charlie is a place to grow as an individual while increasing his income as he helps the company can reach our common goals for the look.

My friends, the power of the Internet and because of the smallness of our world, we are now working and a world where the great staff are not just around the corner in the living. Now you just hire the first person available. Now you know just the man to his sister who hire college. Today, you use the Internet to help people who are passionate about what your company can get passionate about. DJ Connection (the company I founded) at 10 weddings per year we who having a good time and helping people celebrate their marriage was passionate about weddings by finding an increase of 4,000 per year. If we just went out there and people are hired because they had "experienced DJ" It would never work. If we just pay the hourly people it would never work. Work out what people who share the company's vision and allow us to share in corporate profits as we work together to achieve common goals that were willing.

If you are trying to grow your organization quickly your business must hire only the Apostles. Spread your viral message apostles followed Jesus around for years because they trusted him and was passionate message about salvation. They were tempted to do with benefits and features.

People that come to you because of the many features and benefits will work for a comfortable start to feel trapped inside the prison as they say they the best hour and a salary and benefits years of his life are exchanging. The last will be the first to come and go. However, employees that work for your business because they come to share the vision and align your goals will take your business to the next level. To subscribers as WoW that more customers will tell the story of his great business to be WoW. New potential employees will flock to you because of your great reputation. Your advertising costs will decrease. Will skyrocket your profits. More employees, you and your company will be seeking you out and excessive compensation and benefits for people who work with you do not share his vision attraction will not be forced. People who share your passion and find their business goals. Pay them well. They reach out to your company's benefits and successes as our common goals to share together. Employees with whom you find synergy and watch your business prosper.

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